Touches, Changes, Viscous Time
exhibition: 8x canal audio composition, 16mm film, HD videos, text, objects made of wax and resin, metal construction, lenses
The numerous elements constituting the installation function as connecting threads between artistic forms, further structuring our communicational existence.
Knez organizes individual groups into sound, light, and material components and moving pictures on screens that together form a choreography of dynamic fictional shapes, transformed or redirected into new structures and energies. This occurs in specially adapted environments, in an experimental process in which the artist exposes materials to contact with and reaction to other materials, to bring about their transformation and re-composition. The relations she is particularly interested in are those between the natural and the artificial, the analog and the digital, the fragile and the robust, e.g. exposing liquid resin and wax to water, developing film and photographic paper using the phytogram method that employs the chemistry of plants, combining and juxtaposing objects and light, layering reflections of light, and diffusing images. She often mechanically and digitally processes the diametrically contrasting qualities of the materials with electronic technology and industrial materials.
More photos of exhibition:
Curated and written by: Ana Mizerit
Exhibited in: MSUM (Museum of Contemporary art Ljubljana)
Production: MSUM (Museum of Contemporary art Ljubljana)