What would happen if all these pictures were taken away from us?
exhibition: voice essay (6’00”), 16mm film loop, wax objects, resin objects, kinetic object fill with water (vibrations), photos on dominoes, light object with 16mm films, light object with two rotating lensed, light object with rotating lens and and objects made of artificial resin

“In her exhibition project “What would happen if all these images were taken away from us?”, artist Neža Knez is interested in exploring media, their materiality and other properties. She is fascinated by geological phenomena and their physical aspects, which are in a way pushed out of their functions and re-territorialised into the “machine(ry)” that defines our technological media culture. Through the multimedia installation with natural and man-made materials, mechanical kinetic objects (creating moving images and questioning the inflexion of light and sound) and a play on the articulation of language within fictional structures, the artist searches for a poetics in this “other/hidden” layer of the same. She wonders how many possible forms we can find in a single thing and how they are revealed to us.”

More photos of exhibition:
Exhibited: Ravnikar Gallery Space
Curated by: Pierra Ravnikar
Written by: Eva Simonič
Production: Ministry of Culture Slovenia